Thinking Out Loud

I'm finding more and more that I have a couple of projects under way simultaneously. The best way to develop the information beyond a certain point is as a web page. The best way to keep track of these web pages is to add them to the site, and that is what this page is for.

Woman at WorkWARNING

These pages are actively under construction and may contain information which is incorrect, abbreviations which are unintelligible and be laid out in a way which is illogical.

Yes, I know the whole site is continuously under construction, but for the rest of the site it's more in the nature of modification. These pages vary from half-baked ideas to bare foundations to half finished walls. That said, feel free to browse, comment and correct.

Psychology of War
A look at some of the psychological tricks played by both Wellington and Napoleon
Odd Thoughts
Just some odd, unrelated thoughts which needed somewhere to live. Comments welcomed.
Why I enjoy studying Wellington
A look at the complex character of the British commander
Massena's retreat from Portugal
Chronology and tactics - well under way
Structure of and Ranks in the British Army raising the question of how the whole thing ever managed to operate at all, let alone successfully!
A pretentious essay on invasions, linking the European takeover of America to Napoleon's failure to capture Spain.

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Content Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Susan H Law and her licensors. All rights reserved.
Last update 14/7/03