The Thank You Page

When I started this page I had my books, access to a couple of libraries, my brains and encouragement from some friends in a chat group. Since then so many people from all around the world have contacted me to offer both encouragement and items for me to use to enhance the site. From a lonely hobbyist, I became part of a friendly, close-knit community. It's been (and still is) wonderful.

In particular I would like to thank all the web site owners who have given me permission to link to their sites and the "Sharpe" and "Bean Buffs" e-Groups for support and interesting discussions. Special thanks go to Peter, Warren, Caroline, Mike, both Dans, Ken, Chewie, Chris, Gordon, Jill, Pedro, Sol, John, Jason and both Alans for all the images and information they have sent me (on the Sharpe series, Baker Rifles, re-enactors and the 95th Regiment, ...), plus Sarah and Janet for their proof-reading efforts (which is why the fan fiction is the only part of the site without typos!).

I also gratefully acknowledge the following companies for permission to reproduce copyright material:
Greenhill Books
Harper Collins
Hodder Headline Books
McBooks Press
Orion Books (available through Amazon)
Osprey Publishing
Pan Macmillan Books
Pen and Sword Books
Time Warner Books
Ullstein Heyne List GmbH & Co (Germany)

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Content Copyright © 2003 Susan H Law and her licensors. All rights reserved.
Last update 6/7/03